Best Coffee Stencils (Cheat To Make Latte Art)

 Last Updated July 23, 2023

I'm going to show you how to cheat to make latte art by using coffee stencils! No need to learn how to free pour, just dash some chocolate and you get a cool looking drink. I'll start off by listing some of the best latte art stencils you can find, before showing how I use them to make coffee art. 

coffee stencil latte art

A smily face and heart coffee stencil.

Best coffee stencils for latte art

Coffee stencils

Stencils, shaker, and latte art pen

This pack has eveything you need to make latte art with stencils. It comes with 72 patterns, 2 shakers, and 2 latte art pens. 

Coffee art stencil decorations

If you already have a chocolate shaker and just need some good latte art stencils, then grab this pack of 50. It has a nice variety of designs from hearts to flowers and more.

Latte art stencils

This is a cheaper pack that comes with 2 shakers and 16 of the most popular latte art decorations. Fill one shaker with chocolate and the other with cinnamon and you're set to go!

How to use coffee stencils?

Coffee stencils are super easy to use. All you need to do is place the design over the top of your coffee cup after filling it with steamed milk, then use your chocolate shaker to cover the stencil with chocolate powder.

You want to do a good shake so you get full coverage for the best results. If you have a bigger latte cup than the stencil, then you want to hover the stencil slightly above the cup before shaking away. You can see from the photos below of me using them how easy it is to do. 

Step 1: Grab a design that you like. I'm a fan of the heart.

Heart latte art stencil

Step 2: Fill your cup with espresso and frothed milk.

A nice latte

For best results you want a plain base.

Step 3: Place your stencil on your coffee.

Place stencil on latte

Let your stencil rest on your cup.

Step 4: Give your design a good dash of chocolate.

Using coffee stencil

Make sure you get good coverage.

Step 5: Enjoy your cute drink!

Heart coffee art stencil


These stencils are a great way to spruce up your morning coffee without needing to learn to manually make latte art. But make sure to read my manual latte art guides if you're interested in learning free pour. 

Video of me using coffee stencils

Below is a video of me using the stencils to make latte art from my TikTok Page. You can see how easy they are to use!

What powder do you use for latte art stencils?

The two most popular powders to use with your latte art stencils are chocolate and cinnamon. I find they taste the best and make a nice contrast to the brown of the coffee. You can basically use any powder you like as long as it produces a nice contrast to the coffee.

Chocolate shaker

My chocolate powder shaker.

What's the best material for coffee art stencils?

Most coffee art stencils are made with BPA food safe plastics. This is because they're cheap, safe, and very easy to clean. Of course, you can also find stencils made with different materials if you're not a fan of plastic, they'll just be slightly more expensive and not have as many designs.

coffee stencils templates

Play around with different designs.

What drinks work best for latte art templates?

The best drinks to make with latte art templates are milk based coffee drinks like lattes or cappuccinos. This is because the micro-foam on top makes a nice base to dash the patterns onto.


You've now learnt how to cheat to make latte art! Go ahead and grab yourselves some latte art templates and give it a go yourself. I like the pack below as it gives you everything you need to make the designs.

Coffee stencils

Stencils, shaker, and latte art pen

This pack has eveything you need to make latte art with stencils. It comes with 72 patterns, 2 shakers, and 2 latte art pens. 

About The Author 

Ivan Bez

Ivan is the founder of Latte Art Guide and a barista with 10 years of experience. He loves coffee and aims to help people improve their coffee making skills.

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